= Image_Barcode - a package to render barcodes = ------------------------------------------------ With PEAR::Image_Barcode class you can create a barcode representation of a given string. This class uses GD function because this the generated graphic can be any of GD supported supported image types. = Installation = ---------------- You can install Image_Barcode issuing the following command (as root): # pear install Image_Barcode If you don't have the 'pear' command, please consult PEAR::The PHP Extension and Application Repository homepage at http://pear.php.net = Getting Started = ------------------- Just load the class in your script: require_once('Image/Barcode.php'); Call the Image_Barcode::draw() as the follow: Image_Barcode::draw('1234', 'int25', 'png'); Where: = '1234' : string you want to draw as barcode; = 'int25': barcode type (check the avaible types at 'Barcode' subdir); = 'png' : generated graphic type. = Current State = ----------------- You can get the latest code at the PEAR site: http://pear.php.net/package-info.php?package=Image_Barcode = Contributing = ---------------- Help from people who want code new barcode module types are very welcome. Just send your module directly to jason@unleashed.com.br = Credits = ----------- Core class written by Marcelo Subtil Marcal Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode module type written by Marcelo Subtil Marcal EAN13 barcode module type written by Didier FOURNOUT Code39 barcode module type written by Ryan Briones = Thanks to = ------------- Mark A.R. = Author = ---------- Written by Marcelo Subtil Marcal = Reporting Bugs = ------------------ Report bugs to Marcelo Subtil Marcal